What are the benefits?
What is it?
Who created it?
Who likes it?
How you can get it
The concepts and frameworks of Profitable Leadership® enable you to create a true coaching culture; which encompasses Connection, Performance, Feedback and Growth cultures to benefit and impact The Organisation, The Individuals in it and The Role of Coaching.

Read more below or click the links above to your area of interest.


The Organisation
Connection enables the rapid response of an agile entity, when clarity is brought to the ever more complex matrix of hierarchy laid over hierarchy; silos; flatter structures and cross functional virtual teams.

The Individual
Everyone has a unique place in the organisation. When they define their connections and take ownership of their role, confusion turns to clarity and the silos dissolve, creating a connected entity where everyone interacts as they need to, with who they need to, when they need to.

The Coach
The role of coach to others is adopted as needed by an internal coach, an external coach, a manager, or a team member. Moving from "push" to "pull", people draw the coaching interactions they need, as they need it.

Connected organisation

Performance Culture

performance culture

The Organisation
A performance culture has an ease of being. Everyone operates to their potential, communicating and working in a stress free manner; clear in how their part delivers to the Purpose of the organisation.

The Individual
Everyone has absolute clarity on the outcomes they have to deliver, the parameters within which they must operate, and takes full ownership of their part.

The Coach
In all the roles of the coach, the Profitable Leadership® cycle of Observe; Feedback; Coach becomes the day to day  approach to making gentle adjustments to keep everyone on track to the defined Outcomes, delivering the Purpose.

Feedback Culture

The Organisation
A true feedback culture is one where useful, factual feedback is received by everyone as and when they need it, as part of the regular Observe; Feedback; Coach cycle. To be useful it must be factual, non-emotional, non-interpretive and from a known source.

The Individual
In a feedback culture each individual has a defined and agreed growth focus, and pulls calibration feedback on the change they are making. Factual, known, useful, and under their control.

The Coach
As appropriate to the role the coach is taking (manager, mentor, team member, internal or external coach)  the coach may give observations and feedback, or help the individual seek it for themselves. Then explore deeper on how they will use it.

Growth Culture

growth culture

The Organisation
THE DEAL in today's organisation is that everyone must give 100% on what they do. In return they must be given fair, reliable recompense and Growth. Without growth they are just doing it for the money. And you know where that leads. Regular conversation about growth enables alignment of people development to the strategic needs of the organisation.

The Individual
Everyone has aspirations. And they are constantly growing and changing. Planned growth to meet aspirations creates a high level of Engagement.

The Coach
Coaching, in any of the roles, is about clarity on where you are NOW, clarity on where you want to be in the FUTURE, and clarity on how you will get there. Only when people have absolute clarity on where they want to get to, can you coach them on how to get there.

Digital Culture

The Organization
Learning in a fast changing environment must be cost effective, relevant, timely, mostly micro-based, available on demand; and most important, actually applied in a measurable fashion.

The Individual
People only learn what they believe they need to learn. Therefore training must be provided with the framework of Prepare - Learn - Implement, whether on the job or in a micro-learning context. Your staff and those guiding them need access to the right tools, on the devices they have with them.

The Coach
In any of the coaching roles (manager, internal, external or team lead), coaching on the implementation of learning delivers significant results and return on investment for training.

digital culture

What are the Benefits?

What is it?

Profitable Leadership® helps you identify where your time is being spent, what changes you need to make; and gives the skills you need to make the changes. The life of a manager, at any level, does not have to be the stressful, overwhelming and out of balance experience so many suffer. 

Profitable Leadership® is a simple, yet sophisticated, approach to leadership which reduces stress and improves time efficiency. Based on non-directive coaching, a manager of people sees rapid results as people’s capability improves; and you become the strategic leader your organization needs. The coaches, (internal, external or senior managers) have a framework leadership to coach within, making it simple to identify and remove the interference that is holding leadership performance back.

leadership assets

Your Assets

As a leader you have three assets: your Time, Knowledge and Integrity.

How you deploy them determines whether you demonstrate a profitable leadership style or a bankrupt leadership style. Profitable Leadership® is the use of non-directive coaching as the primary communication method.

Profitable Leaders deploy their time to develop the thinking and problem solving skills of teams, applying knowledge only where needed, then coaching staff to create their own solutions, taking ownership as they do so. Resulting in the higher engagement of a performance culture and a sustainable leadership pipeline.

leadership time allocation

Time Allocation

As a leader you have both expert individual contributor work and leadership work. Your leadership time should be spent in three areas:

Focusing on the Growth of your people; developing the potential and capabilities of your direct reports. Connecting your unit, everything beneath you, to the rest of the organisation and beyond; and Doing Nothing. Some time spent just thinking. Thinking about the future; what is coming and what the skills and composition of your team needs to be to be ready for it.

The Profitable Leadership® frameworks help you determine how your time is currently spent and how to make changes.

The Power of Simplicity

Complex theory tends to remain theory; simplicity gets applied.

The power of Profitable Leadership® is teaching managers sophisticated principles and application through simple frameworks.

Years of analysis, testing and practice have gone into refining an approach to leadership that delivers the power of simplicity.

Your managers will readily understand the concepts and skills we give them; and be able to apply them globally across the organization for immediate results.

coaching defined

Non-Directive Coaching







What is it?

Profitable Leadership® helps you identify where your time is being spent, what changes you need to make; and gives the skills you need to make the changes. 

Profitable Leadership® is a simple, yet sophisticated, approach to leadership which reduces stress and improves time efficiency based on non-directive coaching. You see rapid results as people’s capability improves; and you become the strategic leader your organization needs. The coaches, (internal, external or senior managers) have a framework leadership to coach within, making it simple to identify and remove the interference that is holding leadership performance back.

leadership assets

Your Assets

As a leader you have three assets: your Time, Knowledge and Integrity.

How you deploy them determines whether you demonstrate a profitable leadership style or a bankrupt leadership style. Profitable Leadership® is the use of non-directive coaching as the primary communication method.

Profitable Leaders deploy their time to develop the thinking and problem solving skills of teams, applying knowledge only where needed, then coaching staff to create their own solutions, taking ownership as they do so. Resulting in the higher engagement of a performance culture and a sustainable leadership pipeline.

leadership time allocation

Time Allocation

As a leader you have both expert individual contributor work and leadership work. Your leadership time should be spent in three areas:

Focusing on the Growth of your people; developing the potential and capabilities of your direct reports. Connecting your unit, everything beneath you, to the rest of the organisation and beyond; and Doing Nothing - some time spent just thinking. Thinking about the future; what is coming and what the skills and composition of your team needs to be, to get ready for it.

The Profitable Leadership® frameworks help you determine how your time is currently spent and how to make changes.

The Power of Simplicity

Complex theory tends to remain theory; simplicity gets applied.

The power of Profitable Leadership® is teaching managers sophisticated principles and application through simple frameworks.

Years of analysis, testing and practice have gone into refining an approach to leadership that delivers the power of simplicity.

Your managers will readily understand the concepts and skills we give them; and be able to apply them globally across the organization for immediate results.

coaching defined

Non-Directive Coaching


Who created it?

Who created it?

Tony Latimer MCC, BCC

Tony Latimer MCC, BCC

Since first coach training as a young manager in the early 80′s, alongside the founders of the industry, Tony has specialised in the application of coaching in the workplace.

His executive coaching is focused on “C” level Transitions and Rapid Organisational Change through individual and team coaching for business heads and their leadership teams.

He has developed TonyLatimer.ai a unique resource which transforms leadership learning for all levels of the organisation. Providing customised answers to the issues you are facing, right now. 

As one of the 3% of executive coaches globally holding the highest designation of Master Certified Coach (MCC) he is a founding member and Past President of ICF Singapore; ICF credentialing assessor for many years; member of ICF global task forces; and teaches professional coaches at the highest level through the Simplicity of Mastery.

Tony Latimer master executive coach

Since first coach training as a young manager in the early 80′s, alongside the founders of the industry, Tony has specialised in the application of coaching in the workplace.

His executive coaching is focused on “C” level Transitions and Rapid Organisational Change through individual and team coaching for business heads and their leadership teams.

He developed TheCoachingApp, a unique mobile coaching tool which supports a performance and coaching culture with measurable behavioural change.

As one of the 3% of executive coaches globally holding the highest designation of Master Certified Coach (MCC) he is Past President of the ICF Singapore chapter, an ICF credentialing assessor for many years and works on ICF global task forces.

Tony Latimer master executive coach

Who likes it?

Select an industry to see examples

Who likes it?


IT & Tech






F & B



"Tony has enhanced the leadership and coaching skills of our seniors for many years. The quality of the training is much appreciated by the managers

Mukta Arya

Regional Head of HR (APAC) Societe Generale

"I've worked with Tony for the last 4 years in his role as executive coach, his insight, method of coaching and support has been instrumental for my own growth at SAP

Paul Marriott

President APJ at SAP

"Tony introduced me to coaching. Amazing in the method he developed is the direct link with performance and the development of people.

Sophie Laurencin

Head of Talent La Banque Postale

"Tony's executive training gives you an uncanny ability to have much more clear conversations and begin to understand what is REALLY at the root of an issue" 

Jason Ogden

APAC Leader, High Tech Advisory Services Gartner

"What an impactful experience! Tony has extraordinary EQ, coaching skills and an impressive amount of experience in the IT industry" 

Sandra Tisserand Lopez

EMEA VMware - Cloud Sales Synergy Leader.

"Tony is an extraordinary, masterful and highly intuitive listener. He helped me see my situation from a more empowering perspective. I now show up more confidently in my life and work

Fran Fisher

Master Certified Coach

How to get it

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching is particularly effective in times of change; I work globally with Leaders In Transition; transition for themselves, their teams or the entire organisation.

Senior executives need a level of support appropriate to the situation and the nature and demands of their role so I work with a limited number of clients at a time to ensure availability.

Coaching mastery is defined as being totally “in the moment” with the client. I do not impose rigid structures, methodology or assessments on you: Executive coaching with me provides the flexibility you need as a senior leader.

As your coach, gently, firmly, and very rapidly, I will help you get the result you need.

When you need change, for yourself, your leadership team or your organisation, request a confidential discussion on how I can help.

Request discussion

Leadership Training

People only learn what they believe they need to learn. So most training in traditional delivery modes is wasted. Technology now enables us to think about training differently.

In a traditional classroom setting we do three things: Get expert knowledge, discuss application and practice new skills.

On demand text, audio and video of the Expert means Discussion & Practice can be done by competent facilitators; and maybe even in a different sequence.

Profitable Leadership® can be delivered in short topic based Masterclasses or full length courses on leadership and  coaching skills.

There are options of virtual or face to face sessions with me; And you can get full Train the Trainer licensing for cost effective deployment by your own team.

Request training guide

Need help?

If you have questions about a situation in your organisation, and are not sure whether it needs coaching, training or a rapid change program, we're here to help. Click below to arrange a confidential, no obligation conversation.

Contact Tony

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Based on 30 years of research, analysis and practice. Who Coaches Who is a definitive guide to the application of coaching in the workplace.  Be the first to know when the book is available

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